Sara Safari is a mountain climber, professor, author, and activist. In 2012, Sara began partnering with organizations that help marginalized women around the globe. Sara fundraises for these charitable causes by obtaining sponsorships for her climbs through her organization Climb Your Everest (CYE). Sara hopes to raise $1 for every foot of elevation she climbs.


Note: DFHB Creative was formally part of Rhetorical By Nature (RBN), the named partner for this project.


In order to create a brand identity for Sara Safari and CYE, we conducted both primary and secondary research to better understand the environment she was entering. A Situation Analysis was created to investigate and address the following areas:

  • Competitor Analysis

  • Corporate Image

  • Brand Development Strategy

  • Distribution Strategy

  • Business to Business Strategy

  • Public Relations Strategy

  • Evaluation


We provided goals, objectives, strategies and tactics to capture CYE's target audience and determine measurable milestones to gauge future progress. RB determined the overarching goal was to create strong donor support through CYE’s compelling messaging and persuasive storytelling. Three primary areas were targeted to improve on to reach the goal:

  • Credibility

  • Speaking Engagements

  • Messaging

Each area was considered an objective with a subset of strategies and tactics to accomplish. With the research provided to Sara, she has a clear and measurable path to marketing and branding CYE and inspire her donors.

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